Sunday, October 15, 2006
Cirque de Critique - Overturial Edition

Cir. de Cri. is the big tent - a blog carnival that takes all sides as long as those taken take-on others trying to take them. A critic's 'critics corner', so to speak. If you want to enter your critical posts for the next edition two weeks from today, then click here -

On cue and key of Cirque's musical pit boss, Jon Swift warms-up Cirque's Overture by entering his critique on Democratic handling of Mark Foley's e-missions to congressional page in-boxes in Foley Scandal Hurts Democrats. Jon adds that "although some in the liberal media claim that recent reports of Rep. Mark Foley's overeager mentoring of male Congressional pages will be damaging to Republicans in the November elections, I think this incident demonstrates why turning Congress over to the Democrats would be such a disaster for our country."
...and for Denny Hastert.
Mr. Swift, your post deservedly belongs in Cirque's vaunted 'free-for-all' category and is true to the spirit of Cir. de Cri.. We'll see if Zoldan, our trapeze catcher, re-stiched the safety net for the elephants.
That's all until Act I. Thanks to the readers and our entrant, Mr. Swift.

Labels: blog carnival, Cirque de Critique