Sunday, January 21, 2007
Carnival of the Godless: 'The Power of One' Edition

A particular thanks must go to Abe's sponsors -- TV whore for christ sakers, Paula White, plus the (in)finiteness of the number one -- just for your halloiety and my numerotheoscopy in our current season of invernality and incapacitance.
Why Paula White not Abdul? Because White rakes in more by being more the idol for the filthy lucre.
Why the number one let alone another simple number named e? It's since there's enough infinity in one to fill up any deic's chariot if one could only count how many angels cared to dance on top of a pinhead and not for parchmental purposes. Gods should have went and gone by the numbers. But even after revelations, humans haven't yet caught up with it all. Tribalism's been hard to shake.
... let's see all the others' take:
Observing that a WSJ editorialist was peeved about atheists alarmed by "...the fevered fancies of the God-intoxicated among us" and the saturation of military 'economies' produced by such pitchedness, Alon Levy presents Anti-Atheism is Misguided posted at Abstract Nonsense, saying, "This post shows how one anti-atheist op-ed in the Wall Street Journal makes the same kind of argument that was used against labor liberalism in the late 1800s and against the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s."
... let's see all the others' take:
Observing that a WSJ editorialist was peeved about atheists alarmed by "...the fevered fancies of the God-intoxicated among us" and the saturation of military 'economies' produced by such pitchedness, Alon Levy presents Anti-Atheism is Misguided posted at Abstract Nonsense, saying, "This post shows how one anti-atheist op-ed in the Wall Street Journal makes the same kind of argument that was used against labor liberalism in the late 1800s and against the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 60s."
Watch out Alon. Those new weapon systems in the works may be heading toward yours. Gotta love our new, 'private' military set under conservative rule. They used to call 'em "company men" or company "dicks", if you will. Except now, they're for oil's, not coal's sake.
UberKuh presents Three Basic Problems with Christianity posted at UberKuh - The Artistic Atheist.
Huh! To think that all of this time I thought the problems arose from the fathers, sons, and ghosts categories.
The power of one couldn't budge our next entrant. Neither may you since I couldn't click in to his post. You might sport more special powers, so let me know by trying Mike Haubrich perhaps presenting Mikism is Humanism Writ Small posted at Latest entries from, saying, "Here is an explanation of how a religion can be satisfactory for an atheist. It is a religion of one."
COTG's resident odist-in-the-house, Steve Snyder/SocraticGadfly, presents a nice and agile post-it poem about some guys taking on monkish authority in an attempt to polish their inner tarnishments in Verbal judo on Zen posted at The Philosophy of the Socratic Gadfly, saying, "Summary: A brief poem on the self-referential illogic behind Zen koans"
Accurately finding that the trend of decline in sales of Pat Robertson's Miracle Health Shakes bodes well for the over-all being of the country's mental sanity, J-Bar presents What I'm Optimistic About posted at Lord J-Bar For Democracy, Not Theocracy, saying, "After reading's essays on what preeminent thinkers are optimistic about, I thought I'd share my own hopes."
Akusai presents Ridiculosity posted at Action Skeptics, saying, "In this post, I deal with some of my misgivings with Trey Parker, one of the creators of South Park, and how his rather absurd belief structure influences the way he portrays atheism on his show."
Not only that, Akusai, but I hear all of Parker's cels recently froze-up due to his inherent entropismoticuity!
Spinning well after Mary Baker Eddy became intimately integral with earth -- Scott Lee, a practitioner of "Religious Science" -- presents What is God? posted at Dirty Mechanism.
In a totally different spirit, one where Jesus loves all the little bastards, Jeff Matheny presents Screw the Holy Spirit: Jesus Was a Bastard - posted at The Gay Black Jew, saying, "This is simply an example of rational thought mixed with tremendous irony."
Demonstrating superb patience with the pains of the world, Brandon Peele, while building a "...framework for examining human experience on a microscopic sensory level", sat in for us to present Second 10-day Vipassana Sit posted at GT.
Hmm. I've always wondered if such exercises could produce long-term effects by altering gene expression, as would also free will if true.
If one's up for a word dissection, Sean J. Vaughan (on behalf of the author Dan Barker) presents Atheism Defined posted at Reason and Rhyme. After slicing and dicing, Barker attains the nth derivation of the word and gets to its precise meaning by providing a full range of atheism, from soft to hard atheism.
Okay, then. I'm now lost.
Mitochondrial plasmids aresure to run amok now that God has lost more than his marbles. Avant News, in a vice patrol-like exposition of astronomical hanky-panky that shows Einstein being played for the fool he was, presents God Loses Dice posted at Avant News.
Sister Novena cracks the rule on the knuckless of faith, only to find the fickle fingers of faith faltering under wraps in The Atheism Thing posted at Sister Novena's PortaPulpit.
Martin Rundkvist presents Aardvarchaeology: Book Review: Davis & Rauner, Visionary State posted at Aardvarchaeology.
Martin Rundkvist presents No Rest for the Christians posted at Aardvarchaeology.
Ask yourself this question: Am I proud of being a Sunday school drop-out? Stephen Littau writes that you should be proud and that the Southern Baptist Convention scholars flunked their basic hydro-dynamics course at bible college in Sunday School Science Lesson posted at Fearless Philosophy For Free Minds.
Hemant presents Interview with Brian Sapient of The Blasphemy Challenge posted at Friendly Atheist, saying, "This was an interview I did with one of the creators of the Blasphemy Challenge, the YouTube phenomenon."
Jerry Monaco presents Desire for Hell: Thoughts of a Jesuitical Atheist on Jonathan Edwards posted at Shandean Postscripts to Politics, Philosophy, & Culture:, saying, "This is a poem on Jonathan Edwards' famous fire and brimstone sermon. The real impact of the sermon, in my view, is the longing for the horrors of hell."
Evil Bender (Israel Wasserstein) presents Case study: how fundamentalism warps your sense of morality posted at Notes from Evil Bender, saying, "I thought this brief post discussing how fundamentalism is antithetical to morality might be of interest."
vjack presents Religious Indoctrination as Child Abuse? posted at Atheist Revolution.
Barry Mahfood presents The Question of Belief posted at The Price of Rice!.
Will creationistic-minded people once again start hanging cats as omens of evil? Find out as Greg Lammers presents Charles Darwin and the Cat Slight posted at Free Mind Joe.

Labels: blog carnival, Carnival Of The Godless
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Thanks for the link! Foolishly, I forgot to mention that I'd prefer only my posting name, not my given name, be included in the link to my post. If you have a minute and could change that, I'd very much appreciate it. Sorry for the trouble!
I accidentally linked to an HTML- screwed up old version of my story that didn't even have a pic! Fixed it now, but sorry if my incompetence was a stain on the COTG.
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