Thursday, November 16, 2006


Abe Linkum's Quote of the Week, #2

Abraham Lincoln responding to the ultra-Republican Carl Schurz after taking a thumpin' in the 1862 mid-term elections:

"I understand you now to be willing to accept the help of men who are not Republicans, provided they have 'heart in it'. Agreed, I want no others. But who is to be the judge of hearts, or of 'heart in it'? If I must discard my own judgement and take yours, I must also take that of others; and by the time I should reject all I should be advised to reject, I should have none left, Republicans or others -- not even yourself. For be assured, my dear sir, there are men who have 'heart in it' that think you are performing your part as poorly as you think I am performing mine.... I wish to disparage no one, certainly not those who sympathize with me; but I must say I need success more than I need sympathy, and that I have not seen the so much greater evidence of getting success from my sympathizers than from those who are denounced as the contrary."

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